SAMAS Pilot O.C.C. | |
Vital statistics | |
Race | Race goes here |
Gender | Gender goes here |
Government | Government goes here |
Leader | Leader goes here |
Information | Place any relevant links here |
Description of the SAMAS Pilot O.C.C.
- Exerpted from Rifts® Ultimate Edition™, copyright (year) Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved. Rifts®, Megaverse® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. All other titles and names are trademarks of Palladium Books.
- SAMAS Pilot image by (Artist Name), excerpted from (Book Image taken from), copyright (year) Palladium Books Inc.
The Robot Power Armor (RPA) elite are specially trained pilots and experts in the use of power armor and robots. These are the men and women behind the terrifying visage of the sky cycles, SAMAS, Enforcer UAR-ls, and Spider-skull Walkers. Because they are normally issued the SAMAS power armor for field operations and urban defense, they are known by the nickname "Sam."
History of the SAMAS Pilot OCC.
Description of the organization (if applicable) of the SAMAS Pilot OCC.
Notable Members
List of notable membersof the SAMAS Pilot OCC.
RIFTs Ultimate Edition page 233