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Heavy Metal Vol 34 No 7 Cover


Heavy Metal is an American science fiction and fantasy comics magazine, known primarily for its blend of dark fantasy/science fiction and erotica.

Description from Wikipedia. Visit the Heavy Metal article on Wikipedia for more information.

Cover art from the Heavy Metal Web site, copyright 2010 Heavy Metal Magazine. All rights reserved. Rifts®, Megaverse® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. Colt the Outlander and all related characters are trademarks of Aradio Brothers. Heavy Metal® is a registered trademark of Heavy Metal Magazine. All other titles and names are trademarks of their owners.

This statemnet below is wrong, as the Colt the outlander story is not in this issue.

Volume 34, Number 7, for November 2010, is a non-Palladium periodical that features Palladium Books crossover content. This issue, as well as it's [|Heavy_Metal_34_No_6|prequel]] includes the crossover comic, Colt the Outlander: Stormbringer, featuring Rifts characters crossing into the world of Colt and his team.

Publisher and Editor in Chief: Kevin Eastman
Vice President and Executive Director: Howard Jurofsky
Managing Editor: Debra Yanover
Customer Service Manager: Fiona Russell
Designers: Andrij Borys Associates
Assistant to Publisher: Pam Arvanetes
Translators: Jerome Eyquem, Miguel Guerra, Michael Giordani, Jacinthe Leclerc
Web Development: Right Angle, Inc.
Warehouse Manager: John Martin

Heavy Metal Catalog[]

This title is available directly from Heavymetal


This issue of Heavy Metal...

Cover Painting: by Bane

Featured Art: Borrowed memories by Yannick Bouchard

Back Cover: biocosmosis: Savas by edvin Volinski



S.C, Ringgenberg



Michael penn

Tarot Cards


Julie Bell


by Stanislas Manoukian and Vincent Roucher

Biocosmosis: Savas[]

by Edvin Volinski, art: nikodem Cabala, Color: Grzegorz Krysinski, translation: Tomasz Sowinski

Those who Accept[]

by R.G. Llarena, art: Axel Medellin

The Goddess who lives inside[]

by Ferran Xalabarder

the Lovers of Eiffel Tower[]

by Annie Goetzinger

The last kiss[]

by Josef Rother, art: Eckart Breitschuh

Artist Studio[]


Harry Beejan


Under construction


Under construction
