Rifts Wiki

Palladium store description[]


The Republicans decide to make their move while Archie Three is waging his own shadow war against the demonic invaders. The result unleashes a menace Archie has kept contained and locked away for 300 years. And he is not happy about it.

  • Haunted Technology.
  • New weapons and gear.
  • More secrets and information about the Republicans.
  • More insane adventure opportunities, strangeness and fun.
  • The new rules, powers and abilities for Haunted Tech will blow your mind.
  • Haunted Tech gives new meaning to “ghost in the machine.” But are they a godsend or a Pandora’s Box of new dangers?
  • The Republicans reveal themselves and take action! Yes, that means Chaos Earth® NEMA O.C.C.s, robots and technology in Rifts® Earth.
  • Archie Three takes action behind the scenes, in a big way.
  • Part of the Minion War™ “Crossover” series.
  • Art by Charles “Chuck” Walton II, Mark Dudley, Allen Manning, Brian Manning, Benjamin Rodriguez, and others.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda with help from Charles Walton II.
  • 96 pages – Cat. No. 894.

MeepleMart description[]


Faced with the imminent threat of the Minion War and ensuing demon plagues across Rifts North America, heroes and nations rise! Archie Three is taking none of it lying down. The insane machine-god is obsessed with sending the demons back to Hell and saving “his” world.

The Republicans reveal themselves and take action. Yes, that means Chaos Earth NEMA O.C.C.s, robots and technology in Rifts Earth.

Archie Three takes action behind the scenes, in a big way.

New menaces appear.

Haunted Tech gives new meaning to “ghost in the machine.”

But are they a godsend or a Pandora’s Box of new danger?

The new rules, powers and abilities for Haunted Tech will blow your mind.

Adventure ideas, plot hooks and more.

See also[]


Rifts® Sourcebook One™
Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®
Rifts® Sourcebook 3: Mindwerks™
Rifts® Sourcebook 4: Coalition Navy™
Rifts® Sourcebook 5: Vampires

Index and Adventures
Index 1
Index 2

Rifts® Adventure Sourcebook One: Chi-Town 'Burbs™
Rifts® Adventure Sourcebook Two: Tolkeen Crisis™
Rifts® Adventure Sourcebook Three: The Black Vault™
Rifts® Adventure Sourcebook Four: The Vanguard™

Secrets of the Coalition States
Heroes of Humanity
The Disavowed
Coalition Manhunters

Machinations of Doom
Rifts® Mercenaries™
Merc Ops
Mercenary Adventures
Rifts® MercTown™
Rifts Black Market
Bionics Sourcebook
Shemarrian Nation
Titan Robotics
Haunted Tech

See Also: Chaos EarthCoalition Wars (aka Siege on Tolkeen) • Conversion BooksWorld BooksDimension Books
