Non-Rifts Sourcebooks[ ]
The Mechanoids
Palladium Fantasy
Heroes Unlimited
Beyond the Supernatural
Chaos Earth
Rifts® Chaos Earth™
Rifts® Chaos Earth™ Sourcebook One: Creatures of Chaos™
Rifts® Chaos Earth™ Sourcebook Two: Rise of Magic™
Rifts® Chaos Earth™: NEMA™ Mission Book One
Rifts® Chaos Earth™: Psychic Storm™
Weapon Compendiums
Ninjas & Superspies
Systems Failure
Dead Reign
After the Bomb
After the Bomb®
After the Bomb Book 2: Road Hogs
After the Bomb Book 3: Mutants Down Under
After the Bomb Book 4: Mutants of the Yucatan
After the Bomb Book 5: Mutants in Avalon
After the Bomb Book 6: Mutants in Orbit
Palladium Books has also published RPGs based on licensed works, protected by additional copyrights. For information on these products, please visit the Palladium Books Web site .
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