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Rifts® World Book 20: Canada™ Cover

Rifts® World Book Twenty


Rifter4p10 Scotland and Grand Paladins

In 1999 this was scheduled to be written by Eric Thompson but "By Kevin Siembieda" appears on the final cover.


A comprehensive overview of Canada, including notable places, cities, towns, people, O.C.C.s, monsters and conflicts. Though much of Canada has reverted to wilderness, there are pockets of civilization and technology, though not all of them human.

  • The Inuit Shaman O.C.C. and abilities.
  • 12 Monsters of the North, including Sasquatch and Loup Garou.
  • 7 demonic beings including Demon Bears, Windigo and Sedna the Sea Hag.
  • 8 D-Bee R.C.C.s common to Canada, including the Cyber-Horsemen of Ixion R.C.C. (bionic Centaurs).
  • The Headhunter O.C.C. defined. Includes the Techno-Warrior, Assassin, Anti-Robot Specialist, Techno-Hound, and Momano Headhunter.
  • Tundra Ranger O.C.C.s: Ranger, Scout, Cavalry, and Trapper-Woodsman.
  • Techno-Wizard Bionics and notable gear of the Tundra Rangers.
  • The Canadian frontier mapped and described.
  • City of Old Calgary, Fadetowns and notable cities and locations; some with maps of the area.
  • Travel rules for snow, ice, and arctic conditions, plus storms, flash floods and other weather events.
  • Rules for hypothermia and exposure.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 192 pages - Cat. No. 835.

Description and cover art from Palladium Books Web site, copyright ???? Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved. Rifts®, Megaverse® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. All other titles and names are trademarks of Palladium Books.


Contents of Canada™.


Cover Painting:

Interior Art:


Errata of Canada™.


List of Reviews of Canada™:

World Books
World Books

Rifts® World Book 1: Vampire Kingdoms™
Rifts® World Book 2: Atlantis™
Rifts® World Book 3: England™
Rifts® World Book 4: Africa™
Rifts® World Book 5: Triax™ & The NGR™
Rifts® World Book 6: South America™
Rifts® World Book 7: Underseas™
Rifts® World Book 8: Japan™
Rifts® World Book 9: South America Two™
Rifts® World Book 10: Juicer Uprising™
Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign™
Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape
Rifts® World Book 13: Lone Star™
Rifts® World Book 14: New West™
Rifts® World Book 15: Spirit West™
Rifts® World Book 16: Federation of Magic™
Rifts® World Book 17: Warlords of Russia™
Rifts® World Book 18: Mystic Russia™
Rifts® World Book 19: Australia™
Rifts® World Book 20: Canada™
Rifts® World Book 21: Splynn Dimensional Market™
Rifts® World Book 22: Free Quebec™
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Rifts® World Book 24: China One™ - The Yama Kings

Rifts® World Book 25: China Two™ - Heroes of the Celestial Court
Rifts® World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp™
Rifts® World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp™
Rifts® World Book 28: Arzno™
Rifts® World Book 29: Madhaven™
Rifts® World Book 30: D-Bees of North America™
Rifts® World Book 31: Triax™ Two
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