Rifts® World Book Twenty Seven
Kevin Siembieda joins forces with the intrepid Todd Yoho to present more descriptions, dinosaurs, and adventure in Dinosaur Swamp.
- Dinosaurs the likes of which have never been recorded in our fossil record.
- Dinosaurs with powers nobody would ever have expected.
- New menaces, villains, mysteries, struggles and adventures.
- Written by Todd Yoho and Kevin Siembieda.
- Spectacular cover by Scott Johnson.
- 160 pages. Cat. No. 866.
Description and cover art from Palladium Books Web site, copyright ???? Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved. Rifts®, Megaverse® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. All other titles and names are trademarks of Palladium Books.
Contents of Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp™.
Cover Painting:
Interior Art:
Errata of Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp™.
- List of Reviews of Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp™.