I saw that you turned Fort Polk into a CS Fort. I am currently running a game about the place. Being 300+ miles from the majority of CS it makes a perfect place for dinosaurs, undead, mercenaries and the unexpected to show up. The game is in it's infancy right now but I would love to talk to anyone interested.
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would a angrar "robot or power armor" effect a partial or full cyborg?
I didn't know this existed. I have 32 World Books, 7 Sourcebooks, 6 Dimension Books, 4 Conversion books, and almost 70 Rifters. I will attempt to edit as much as I can.
I was just curious if anyone had any ideas for things that desperately need to get done on this wiki over the next year? I know this isn't the most popular wiki, but I think some sort of general direction would be helpful, at least to help the few contributors focus their efforts. Thoughts, ideas, comments?
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